NATIONAL POLICE CADET CORPS Junyuan Secondary School Inter-unit Non-Residential Camp 2017 An integral part of the Non-Residential Camp included allocation of camp duties to the incumbent Secondary three NCOs. Each NCO was assigned a role to help out in the camp and ensure that the camp runs smoothly. Duties assigned to each NCO were aligned with responsibilities held by each NCO in day-to-day administration of the Unit throughout the training. Responsibility Name of Secondary 3 Cadet Overall-in-charge Siti Juwairiyah Second-in-charge Nur Hamizah Welfare IC Suu Sandy Soe (conc. Drill IC) Admin IC Mohd Irfaan Drill IC(s) Sarah Sufyan Furtado Aloysious Seow Sharifah Sufea Suu Sandy Soe (conc. Welfare IC) I’zzat Helmi Lau Logistics IC(s) Keith Soh...
Showing posts from November, 2017