
JYSS NPCC YouTube Channel Updates

Hi all! 2020 was quite a silent year with zero content being posted on this channel largely due to the current pandemic that we are in. Campcraft, Games Day, Swearing-In among other events being cancelled. These were also supposed to be my last few videos before I retire to focus on my academia. When I started this channel, it was just to showcase some of the events that we have participated or hosted for keepsake. Over time, it also served to help me hone my skills in videography and editing, and although I still consider my skillsets in the basic level, the videos that I have posted over the years has shown much considerable differences in terms of the production level. From using a 720p point-and-shoot camera edited on Windows Movie Maker to using my own mobile phone being more capable with 4K resolution and editing on Premiere Pro and then DaVinci Resolve.  Through that, it allowed me to put emerging technologies through the paces, more accessible 4K recording, post-production ...


Congratulations to P/CI (NPCC) Ade Mutiara from Squad Quebec on graduating from the 96th CIBTC (J19) and a big welcome to the family!!

2019 Squad Romeo Passing Out Parade (Click on the title to see the pictures!)

The day came, 16 April 2019, the Passing Out Parade of Squad Romeo and Handover of Drill Cane to Squad Sierra, a tradition that appreciates the senior's contributions for the past 3 years they have been in NPCC, as Cadets, then Cadet Leaders. It will definitely be a day Squad Romeo won't forget, as they pass out with accomplishments, through thick and thin and adventures that brought them closer from Day 1. We wish them the very best for their National Examinations! *Editor's Note: As usual, there will be a change in who will take charge of our social media accounts. We have 3 new handlers, but they will solely focus on our Instagram (@jyssnpcc, go follow it!!). I will still be managing the 3 other sites (Blogger, YouTube, Facebook), but my studies meant I have to greatly reduce on how much I will be able to contribute.* ...