
Showing posts from January, 2014

Area 9 VIA Programme "Spot It, Stay Safe"

On 4th Jan 2014, some of our cadets participated in the "Spot It, Stay Safe" VIA Programme, in a bid to share road safety messages with the residents as well as actively promote positive road behaviour in the community. Overall, it was a very meaningful and enjoyable learning experience for our cadets.

Training Schedule for 14th Jan 2014 (Tuesday)

Training Schedule of 14 th Jan 201 4 (Tuesday) Secondary 2 Time Activity Venue Attire Personnel-In-Charge 1445 hrs Falling in & Attendance Taking Parade Square Pt-Kit NCOs 1500 hrs Unit Address by OC Classroom Pt-Kit Mr Loh Chee Teng 1 545 hrs Admin Matters Classroom Pt-Kit Ms Cheong Wei Yuen 1630 hrs CCA Fair Preparation Classroom Pt-Kit NCOs 1730 hrs Dismissal Parade Square Pt-Kit NCOs Secondary 3 Time Activity Venue Attire Personnel-In-Charge 1445 hrs Falling in & Attendance Taking Parade Square Pt-Kit NCOs 1500 hrs Unit Address by OC Classroom Pt-Kit Mr Loh Chee Teng 1 545 hrs Admin...

Training Schedule for 7 Jan 2014 (Tue)

Training is cancelled for all levels  on 7 Jan 2014 (Tue) due to the Sec 1 Camp. Please gather at the foyer by 2.30pm so that the Teacher Officers can escort you out of the school gate. Latecomers will not be entertained unless there is a valid reason.  CCA Training will resume next week on 14 Jan 2014 (Tue) .  Campcraft Comp Team : Training will resume on 10 Jan .